Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

SCQF Level 8, 40 credits


This module is delivered by live zoom lessons

About the Course

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology

This course is delivered by live zoom lessons and also via our online physiology learning centre. Attending the live lessons gives you the opportunity to ask questions during the lessons. The lessons are recorded. This enables you to study at home, at a convenient time to you, with excellent, 5 days per week tutor support from The Complementary Therapy School.


Melanie, the Principal and main course tutor, studied biomedical sciences at university with the intention of becoming a GP. She won the Young Award for outstanding academic achievement in biomedical science.


Students can study this module to enhance an existing career or to progress to a therapeutic/health care qualification.


This module will explore the physiological systems and pathologies by looking at the healthy body and the progression to disease development. This will include a detailed account of all physiological body systems. Definitions, causes, triggers, signs and symptoms of various pathologies and a biomedical approach to the pathologies will be explored.


Lifestyle aspects will be examined and how poor lifestyle choices can impede health. The effects of stress on the body will be explored.


The module is credit rated by UWS. It is a SCQF level 8, European Qualifications Framework level 5 course and has 40 credits. The SCQF confirm the following, “Being registered on the SCQF lends both national and international recognition to credit rated qualifications and learning programmes. In order to be on the SCQF, all qualifications have to go through a rigorous, quality assured process of ‘credit rating’ by a Credit Rating Body (CRB)”. As this course has a level and credits, you can use the credits towards other qualifications.


For students resident in Scotland, a non-repayable grant for tuition fees is available from the Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).



Fees & Entry Requirements


For students resident in Scotland

The Complementary Therapy School has been approved by the Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS). This entitles eligible students to receive the part time fee grant. The non-repayable grant is awarded to students studying a higher education course and is worked out by how many credits you are studying. The main criteria for the grant: you have to be resident in Scotland and have a personal income of £25,000 or less. They do not take into account partner’s income.

If you receive the part time fee grant (Scottish residents), it will cost £638 or if paying by instalments £668.

If you are not eligible for the grant it will cost £1040 or if paying by instalments £1070. The deposit is £250 if paying by instalments.


Additional costs

Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology book. You will be assessed in the form of continuous assessment with no final theory exam.


Entry Requirements

There are no formal academic entry requirements. Students will be assessed on an individual basis.


Course Dates


Please contact us for more information.

If you would like to apply for the 

Module in Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

Please find the application form below

Application Form - Module in Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

Please select the venue you wish to attend

The Complementary Therapy Schools Data Privacy Policy must be read before submitting an application. This can be found below the application form.

The Complementary Therapy Schools Data Privacy Policy


GDPR is bringing in new legal protection for personal information from May 2018.

This tells you what personal information I gather via my website, and why, and what your rights are.


The Complementary Therapy School

Address: Barry Business Centre, Main Street, Barry, Scotland, DD7 7RP.

Telephone No: 07961118183

Email address:

Data Controller Contact Details: Melanie Bell –


Purpose of processing Client Data

We hold and use client data in order to provide you with the best possible learning experience, support and advice.

We take information via our application form to allow us to make a decision on your suitability for the course. We also ask limited health information to ensure we can offer you the best learning experience.


Lawful Basis for holding and using case study Information

As a full member of the Association of Reflexologists, I abide by the AoR Code of Practice and Ethics. The lawful basis under which I hold and use your information is my legitimate interests requirement to retain the information in order to provide you with the most appropriate training, follow up support, and advice

When you submit case studies as part of our therapy training course, the client cannot be identified. i.e. you cannot put on the consultation form the client’s name and contact details.

You are required to get signed privacy statements from any person you keep records on, including case studies. You will be required to submit a copy of this privacy statement along with any case study submitted to your tutor. A copy of this must be produced to the tutor during one of the teaching days.

As we may hold special category data (i.e. health related information) about you, the Additional Condition under which I hold and use this information is for us to fulfil our role as a Complementary Therapy trainer.


What information I hold and what I do with it

In order to give professional learning opportunities and follow up support to students the following information will be held:

• Your contact details

• Application forms

• Case studies submitted

• Course assignments

• Copies of certificates issued and records of students’ progress. I will NOT share your information with anyone else (other than with:

• An internal verifier

• An external verifier

• The Awarding body

• Students Awards Agency for Scotland

• The Association of Reflexologists (if required for quality verification purposes), or as required for legal process, or on your request to confirm that you have completed my course satisfactorily) without explaining why it is necessary, and getting your explicit consent.

Occasionally, we take pictures of our students in class and share these pictures on social media and other forms of advertising. If you do not want to take part in these pictures, you can opt out of these pictures at any time. It is not compulsory to take part in the pictures.

ID will be requested from you in person as a means of identification only. It will not be stored and the tutor will view your ID in class.


I may contact you using the contact preferences you give me in relation to

• Providing you with additional supporting material for the course

• Other information relevant to the course

• Reflexology information or information related to health

• Future training events, special offers and promotions (you may unsubscribe from this at any time)

Your data will not be transferred outside the EU without your consent.

Your personal contact details may be shared with the Association of Reflexologists (AoR) on completion of your course. The AoR may contact you to ask you to provide them with feedback on the course. This is part of the criteria for AoR CPD approval.

The AoR will only keep your information for 6 months and will only contact you in regards to feedback.


How Long I Retain Your Information for

I will keep your personal information for 3 Years.


Protecting Your Personal Data

I am committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, I have put in place appropriate technical, physical and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.


Your Rights

GDPR gives you the following rights:

• The right to be informed: To know how your information will be held and used (this notice).

• The right of access: To see your tutor’s records of your personal information, so you know what is held about you and can verify it.

• The right to rectification: To tell your tutor to make changes to your personal information if it is incorrect or incomplete.

• The right to erasure (also called “the right to be forgotten”): For you to request your tutor to erase any information they hold about you

• The right to restrict processing of personal data: You have the right to request limits on how your tutor uses your personal information

• The right to data portability: under certain circumstances you can request a copy of personal information held electronically so you can reuse it in other systems.

• The right to object: To be able to tell your tutor you don’t want them to use certain parts of your information, or only to use it for certain purposes.

• Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.

• The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office: To be able to complain to the ICO if you feel your details are not correct, if they are not being used in a way that you have given permission for, or if they are being stored when they don’t have to be.

Full details of your rights can be found at

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please use the contact details given above.

If you are dissatisfied with the response you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office; their contact details are at:

(Please note the above Privacy Policy must be read and consented to before submitting an Application)